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November 18, 2022 Blog

Top Five Ways LogicEra’s Managed IT Services Can Increase Your ROI

Managed IT Services

An interruption in your business continuity even for a minute can cost you a fortune, forget about bigger disruptions. In this hyper-connected digitally-driven world, ideally, businesses should be available online round-the-clock. Issues like a server going down, a website not loading, or a network failure may quickly grind your business operations to a halt. Despite knowing this, if you are still relying on your in-house IT team to maintain the IT systems, it is perhaps time for a change. It is time to turn to a Managed IT Services Provider who is well-equipped to maintain the pace of innovation, unlike your internal IT team. 

The break/fix IT solution incurs two costs, the one paid to your internal IT for making it happen and the one caused due to disruption in business continuity caused due to this IT strategy. With such a strategy, your internal IT team remains reactive and fails to meet the demands of a growing business in this digital world. This is where a Managed IT Service Company earns positive points as they are almost always proactive. And, why not? After all, they have all the tools and equipment required for a competitive IT system always in place. Let’s have a look at the top 5 ways Managed IT services are helpful.

1. Get Rid of Expensive Downtime

Managed Services Provider (MSP) would always take a proactive approach towards maintaining your IT system. By using remote monitoring & management, they not only identify & diagnose but even troubleshoot & fix potential issues before they become a problem. By getting rid of downtimes you can save the colossal money wasted due to it. Moreover, MSPs also provide backup and disaster recovery services.

2. Reduce Costs

The task is not finished with hiring and building an internal IT team which is expensive in itself. You consistently need to upgrade and upskill your IT teams to stay ahead of the curve which again incurs huge costs and on an ongoing basis. When you switch to an MSP, such costs are eliminated by themselves. Moreover, the fact that the skills are available on a scalable basis is extremely convincing. Mostly, the Managed services consultants work onshore and offshore based on the task assigned, widening your resource base and lowering the average effective rate at the same time. Not just that, Managed services pricing can be customized based on your requirements in most cases. 

3. Get the Right Expertise

As discussed above, either your internal IT team is inefficient or too expensive as either they are not effectively skilled & well-equipped or consistently upskilling them costs you a fortune. However, when you outsource the IT management to an MSP, you get the most seasoned experts handling your IT for a fixed monthly rental. These technical, training, functional, and architectural consultants from the MSPs help you keep your IT up and running and even unlock its full potential.

4. Focus on Your Core Business Objectives

This is one is the very straightforward benefits of an MSP By offloading all your responsibilities to them, you can pay more attention you’re your core business objectives. You neither need to waste time in monitoring & maintaining your IT nor in building & upskilling your internal IT team.

5. 24*7*365 Support Services

Most MSPs provide round-the-clock IT support services which means whether it is morning, day, or midnight you are never left unattended for whatever query or issue you have. Most IT support companies in Dubai offer 24*7 support services. So, if you are looking for an MSP that provides round-the-clock IT support in Dubai, you can rest assured there are many. 


Many kinds of research in the past have proved how switching to an MSP for IT management helps you save big. We just dived into how MSPs are making it possible. These were only the top five ways, there are plenty more such as MSPs providing security & compliance support, improved scalability, and much more. All these benefits are directly translated into cost savings. So, if you are at all skeptical about outsourcing your IT management to an MSP because you think that may cost you more or your internal team can handle it, try reconsidering.